Thursday, August 27, 2015

Building Natural Looking Bird Nesting Boxes, Birds Love Them!

Locally I've been able to purchase 8' cedar logs with 6-8" diameters from $3-$6 and developed a quick way to build several bird nesting boxes out of each log. First I make a box out of the top 12" of the log using the procedure below and place that nest on an existing fence post.  The remaining 7' is made into an ideal natural looking nest log.  My tools are limited so someone with more or less tools could easily improve/adapt on the plan:

Slice off a 1 1/2"-2" slab for the cover

 Mark for a 4" nesting cavity

 Label the slabs before cutting

 Cut 8-10"

 Leave a 1" base on the log when cutting off the side slabs so the slabs can be re-assembled and re-attached to the log.
 Once the cavity block is cut away, re-assemble the sides with deck or drywall screws

 Cut or drill a 1 1/2" hole, sand edges

 Attach the cover with screws or, a hinge if you intend to monitor the nest

 Set up

This one we set up late in the breeding season but it was quickly found by Eastern Bluebirds and they had a successful nest of 4-5 fledglings.