Thursday, February 12, 2015

Secrets of the Kingdom of God 2

Continuing with Mark 4:  Next Yeshua talks of the light, that it should be seen and not hid, the whole purpose of a light, a candle here, is to be seen, no one turns on a light and then hides it, it is irrational. Once a light is turned on, it is used to illuminate. Then the statement: He who has ears to hear, let him here.  Again, it is the act of listening, just as the above parable, listen up. Then he continues:  Pay attention to what you hear.  The more we hear, the more will be given us to hear.  So in this parable, we need to hear so satan doesn't steal the word.  We then can cultivate the soil of our inner being, remove the rocks, so when the seed grows the roots can drive down deeply. 

As a child I can remember a platform being dragged through a field, like a wagon without wheels. In our area, many of the fields were covered with rocks from the melting ice sheets.  After initially clearing, , each year rocks were pushed to the surface from the frost so the clearing maintenance was necessary each spring.  The stones were used to build border fences and many remain today.  Having prepared the soil, the fields were plowed and planted.  Then we need to clear the weeds as they spring up so they don't over compete with crop.  Eventually the crop will become dominant and the weeds will no longer be a threat.  Then the field will produce a profitable crop. But first we need to hear, pay attention and act.

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