Seán Mac Mathúna has written a reasonable argument for a Celtic origin, tracing it back to Bresil, a magical realm - neither sea nor land off the coast of Ireland. Bresil is speculated to be "named after Bres, the son of Ériu whose father was a Formorian sea god, Elatha." I think he is in the right track but then the question remains, where did Bres get his name and what does that name mean? And why would Bresil be named for him?
There is another theory that in a sense unifies all these ideas:
Brazil in antiquity was visited by progenitors of the Celts possibly during the reign of King David. The land was then named Brazil (Brasil) by a seafaring, merchant people after the massive iron deposits were found in Brazil. Still today the most productive iron mine in the world is located in Brazil.
The Hebrew word for iron, brass and bronze according to Isaac Moseson is ברזל
ב ר ז ל
Transliterated Bet-Resh-Zayin-Lamed or B R Z L.
Hence these seafaring merchants may have 70called it BaRZeL or BRaZel pronounced bar-SZ(EL) or bra-SZ(EL) and this is the source of the Portuguese Brasil and the English Brazil.
At this point it we can explain where the brazilwood and brazil nut designations came from. Brazilwood is dense wood with the core color similar to iron oxide. Another tree, the Brazil Nut tree has iron-like shells, these nuts present tire hazards if driven over. Bolivia is actually the greatest producer of these nuts, yet even there they are often called Brazil Nuts (nuez de Brasil)
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