Not a spit, whiff or needle of aviaticus clouds this morning and just an occasional orphan-like clod of natural cloud straggling from the north ahead of the front. We have a nice wide swath of low moisture atmosphere overhead right now. Not looking good for a decent contrail event as the front may move through after sunset. Very little cirrus preceding this front either.
So eyes in the sky on Eagles, returning Sandhill Cranes and Canada Geese and the occasional glint of trailess jet.
As summer approaches and the atmosphere warms there will be fewer opportunities to view outstanding aviaticus events like yesterday.
Update: Wrong! The northern front hooked in from the west and bought a nice looking cloud mix of cumulus with a sheeting cirrus covering. But no aviaticus to be seen:
Update: Wrong! The northern front hooked in from the west and bought a nice looking cloud mix of cumulus with a sheeting cirrus covering. But no aviaticus to be seen:
Then a few short lived trails were spotted darting between the cloud openings:
This is the first Aviaticus cloud, created by a westbound, that persisted. It drifted south for quite awhile but still held a tight form:
Then a surprise first, in the east, a south bound flight from Constantinople Turkey ripped by at 600 mph: (From Flightradar24)
After passing it began to descend and left a segment of persistent cloud (barely seen in lower right below) as it was dropping to between 28-30000':
With all the upper wind and apparent fast movement, no cirrostratus aviaticus formed within my view.
After passing it began to descend and left a segment of persistent cloud (barely seen in lower right below) as it was dropping to between 28-30000':
With all the upper wind and apparent fast movement, no cirrostratus aviaticus formed within my view.